7/3/23 - Sunday
Fiiiinally found the time to push my updates! I've been sitting on so many pages I've made for a while, I just didn't have the time to post them and make the tweaks that always need to be made post-upload.
I recently heard there's a way to push GitHub updates to Neocities, which might be of interest to me. It's a little tedious to navigate Neocitie's file system, but I do like how updates are pretty much instantaneous and I doubt it'll be the same if GitHub's set up to be the middleman. Still, it's definitely something I want to look into!
As for site pages, I think I want to make a dual site map & update log page next.
7/2/23 - Saturday
Progress has finally been made on the links/buttons page! I made myself a button forever ago but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the links page, so I decided to go with something whimsical. I honestly already want to change it but I'm sick of having my page be a dead-end, and having it will encourage me to collect even more buttons from cool sites I find!
I also made myself some digimon-themed site buttons a while ago with a gatomon sprite I re-animated in Clip Studio! I'm definitely going to draw an original one at some point, but whenever I'm able to draw I'm focusing on work so that won't be for a while.
7/1/23 - Friday
I've been chipping away at some code in the background, namely the secret diary (this) and the even secreter diary (lol.) I'm interested in figuring out how to toggle themes to do something extra fun with my diary page, but I just can't parse what I've read so far. Anything that gets too into javascript--even pretty simple stuff--just goes right over my head.
I'm also slowly making the switch from Brackets to Visual Studio Code. It was pretty confusing at first--it's so feature-rich that it was actually kinda overwhelming to start with
--but I'm more or less getting the hang of it! Figuring out how to set up (Win)Git so I could sync files between my windows & linux systems was way more frustrating LOL. I managed to fumble my way through it though, I'm a real l33t h4z0r now! (jk I'm still a dummy!
Started watching Bridgerton w/ my gf! It's pretty neat, but idk why I'm so shocked every time something super sexist happens in a period piece, as if I don't know women's rights are still a pretty recent thing in a lot of countries LOL. Rege-Jean Page has been great as the Duke too, he is so insanely handsome!

cw: talk of explicit sexual themes / bridgerton s1 spoilers
As handsome as he is though, I am so not interested in the sexual tension between him and the lead. He's pretty respectful for the majority of season 1 I want to say, but Daphne being so clueless about sex makes what happened on their wedding night utterly repulsive to me LOL. Like, she DOES consent, but that was literally her first time seeing a penis, let alone her first exposure to what the act of PiV sex even IS.
I swear I broke out in hives watching that scene!
My gf and I haven't touched it since, though I'm open to watching more--I do find it interesting and entertaining otherwise. I love that it's a period piece that features PoC in positions of power and extravagant wealth, the costumes and set designs are exquisite, the acting is really good, and the storyline/plot is interesting too!