June 2023

6/26/23 - Monday

The hair-chewer herself.

My nephew's staying with us for part of summer break. I think he doesn't want to be stuck babysitting his nieces, which is totally fair. I don't even think he gets an allowance for helping out, since things are pretty tight for all of us.

My gf and I watched some more Super Eyepatch Wolf vids RE: wrestling, plus Buying a PC with Dell: My Journey Into Hell. He is so damn dramatic, I love him.

Today was so exhausting, I guess since I didn't sleep very well. Pj (my cat) kept chewing on my hair, which she never really does. I saw a lizard in my room earlier, so I was kinda worried I had Lizard Pheromones on my dome--like, maybe it crawled on my head while I was asleep, or inside my pillowcase. She only did that after the Lizard Sighting, and correlation definitely 100% equals causation!

Anyway, it's not Peej's fault I'm sleeping like shit lately, it just happens sometimes--pretty often, actually. I wonder if I have insomnia?

6/25/23 - Sunday

Pretty quiet today! My family left early in the morning and I ended up sleeping in some more. It's been so freaking hot lately.

I watched the D&D movie, Honor Amongst Thieves w/ my gf! It was really great! She's not as into D&D as I am (and I'm not much of an expert on it either) but it was still fun. It really captured the spirit of playing in a campaign! Super cute. We absolutely pirated it, of course, I'm not giving WotC my money after the whole SRD debacle lol.

We also watched Super Eyepatch Wolf's video on The Unreality of Pro Wrestling and it was so good!!! I always knew pro wrestling was basically novelas with buff oiled up men, but wow, the storylines were so compelling!

It kinda reminds me of Shakespeare if I'm being honest!? Like, back when the crowd was encouraged to participate in the play and the actors would work off their energy. Pro wrestling really is just live theatre and it's wonderful! I don't know if I'm going to become a die-hard wrestling fan any time soon, but it's always really great to listen to people passionately talking about what they love, so Super Eyepatch Wolf vids are always a delight.

6/24/23 - Saturday

Watched my baby (great)niece today! It was incredibly stressful--I'm a really anxious person in general, so putting me in charge of a life that isn't even 1yr old yet when I haven't looked after a baby in years was def nerve-wracking--but it ended up fine in the end. My niece is very cute and we mostly watched Peppa Pig. She can't really crawl yet, but she had a good time rolling around on the bed, (with me watching her like an anxious hawk, of course,) and wasn't too fussy!

I was definitely exhausted by the end of the day, though. I don't know how parents manage!

6/23/23 - Friday

Started watching Q-Force w/ my gf! It's been really fun! I remember seeing some bad reviews of it and how it perpetuates harmful stereotypes about the queer community, and I think that's missing the point. To me, it reads more like jokes about the community for the community, rather than ridiculing the queer community for the enjoyment of a straight audience. I don't even know if straight people will get most of the jokes, like, do they know lesbians love Subarus???

It's just kinda sad that the show didn't get a fair chance--at least from what I saw from online discourse.

Also Benji is suuuuper fucking cute, I was dying every time that literal teddybear was on screen. I would do anything for him.....

6/22/23 - Thursday

Hosting family for the weekend! It was super short notice but I'm always happy to see my baby (great)niece :^)

Was busy entertaining family so not much else to report on.

6/21/23 - Wednesday

Cleaned up some code on my about page! I finally figured out how to make it responsive instead of the side & main part being squished together on smaller screens lol. I feel like I'm learning a lot as I go and it's been really engaging.

Also cleaned up some code on my homepage, now that I understand how external CSS's work lol. I haven't even been learning HTML for that long but it's still funny to find the silly little 'mistakes' that I've made early on, like I had a #footer tag on the actual footer element just to change the font for some reason?

Speaking of homepage, I've been feeling torn about making my site easily accessible & responsive vs just going crazy w/ creativity! I just played around with iframes for the first time and I feel like I opened up a whole new world lol. I was briefly tempted to convert my whole site into being all frames, but I do like the idea of playing around and coding completely new pages so... maybe not just yet! I def want to rework my homepage at some point, though.

In non-coding news, I just finished up watching The Ultimatum: Queer Love with my gf and PHEW BOY... bitch that was a mess!!! I was so invested b/c lesbians & queers but oh my god...

cw: domestic abuse

Seeing the abusive partners being just... so... abusive turned my damn stomach. I could not even look at Mildred by the end of it, I was so disgusted by her. IMO she was definitely the worst person there, though Vanessa wasn't much better and I was side-eying Yoly soooooo hard by the end of it.

I'm so glad Tiff and Mal got out from under their thumbs too--I cannot tell y'all how my stomach DROPPED seeing those two get engaged to their abusers at the end of the show!!!

IDK it was just a mess. I know you expect that from trash tv, like, duh, but these are real people with real feelings at the end of it. I still cannot believe Netflix allowed Tiff to be in the same room as their abuser, fully knowing Mildred was arrested for Domestic Violence!!! Disgusting!!!

Yeah, it was just a lot! I went through an emotional roller coaster binging that and a few yt vids disecting the show for like... 9ish hours gay straight. I honestly don't think there was a single happy ending for any of those couples--which, I mean, you kinda expect that from reality tv shows anyway.