Underground labyrinth again, no window to the outside, no sunlight, only buzzing fluorescent lights. I was in a schooling section. I'm trying to escape, but there’s a blockade of hall monitors sealing off the exit tunnel. They won't talk to me, or even look at me.

Suddenly, a troupe of monster girls dressed up in bittersweet lolita outfits approach me. I'm peer-pressured into sitting with them in a lesson unit. The leader somehow knows that I can draw and wants to 'be my muse.' She tries to get me to draw her, but she has some strange, specific demands. She wants me to use one of those shitty wooden art dolls for reference? I tell her I don't have one on me, but before I can say you don't really need one for a portrait she gets pissed off and immediately freezes me out.
I have made enemies with the monster girl lolitas. A grave mistake.